Verse of the Day

Monday, May 3, 2010

Would You Ever Do it Again?

Ahh, I'm such a good, loving mommy!  Isn't this such a great photo?  It's love on display!

Anyway, a question I do get quite frequently is, "Are you going to adopt any more?"

For many this might be a no-brainer, but for me it's kind of sad.  Like a told my dear husband, I think women who love kids always want more.  Being a mom is simply what I was created to do; I love them all dearly and I enjoy teaching them at home.  I'd take in more kids in a heartbeat.  That being said, however, leaves a little someone named Dr. Husband.  This man works his you-know-what-off providing for this large family.  It is difficult for me to "ask" him for more....

I imagine the only way we would adopt again is if we received that proverbial lightning bolt from the sky (accompanied by a large check :>)!  Of course, for those who know our story, we did receive a "brick from heaven," (that resulting in Miss B), and then we were in hearty agreement on the adoption of the next sweet three.  I guess I have finally learned to never say never.  Heck, I'm the one who didn't think she wanted children; I'm also the one who said I'd never home school!  Goes to show you, be careful what you speak!  Once the Lord gets ahold of your heart, you really don't know what you life will end up looking like.  So, while I would absolutely welcome any additional children in our home, I think I'll just have to push the "hold" button on that one; Dear Husband probably wants to bring out the hammer to take care of the button once and for all....

Psalm 127 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

The Blessing of the LORD

A Solomonic song of ascents.
 1 Unless the LORD builds a house,
    its builders labor over it in vain;
    unless the L
ORD watches over a city,
    the watchman stays alert in vain. 
    2 In vain you get up early and stay up late,
    eating food earned by hard work;
    certainly He gives sleep to the one He loves. 

    3 Sons are indeed a heritage from the LORD,
    children, a reward. 

    4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
    are the sons born in one's youth. 

    5 Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them.
    Such men will never be put to shame
    when they speak with [their] enemies at the city gate. 


  1. I wish there were a LIKE or LOVE button on blogs!! Because, surely, your writing is AWESOME mommy!! :)

  2. I say whatever God can't go wrong :)
    I am SO looking forward to meeting you.
