Verse of the Day

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No Grandma... No letter... No Nothin'

I received an email update from Children's House International this morning. The local Ethiopian government is still trying to locate S.'s grandmother. Assuming she can not be located, CHI's social worker is "hopeful" that the Ethiopian government will write a letter for the US Embassy next week. CHI is also "hopeful" that the US Embassy will grant approval after the letter is received. So the wait continues.

I would certainly appreciate your prayers regarding this matter. Little man's case is at the mercy of the Ethiopian government AND the US Embassy.

Here's our timeline since our court appearance:

Court date:  December 1, 2011

Adoption final in Ethiopia:  January 13, 2012

Submitted to US Embassy:  February 28, 2012

Birth Family Interviews (missed):  April 2, 2012 and April 23, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Grandma: MIA

Children's House informed me yesterday that unfortunately, S.'s grandmother is again missing. This does make me question whether or not the woman had ever been located.... Nonetheless, this delays our case yet again. Grandma's US Embassy interview has been cancelled by the Embassy; they obviously do not want to hold an appointment time open if the interviewee will not be present. Hopefully, someone else's case will be moved forward due to this opening.

The next step is for the orphanage to contact the police so that an "official, documented search" can be made. If she is not located, MOWA will issue a letter to the US Embassy stating the new facts of the case. God willing, the US Embassy will then accept the letter and allow S.'s visa to be granted. The agency had actually tried to initiate this step last week, but it was Ethiopian Easter last week.

So again, we wait. I'm sure the wait is much easier for an adult to endure than for a child. Little man has seen and experienced many "going home parties" at the Thomas Center. I'm sure he's wondering when it will be his party.

I was reading and studying the Book of Matthew this morning, and dwelt upon the crucifixion and death of our Lord. I am reminded of His sovereignty over all. I am reminded He is righteous above all. I am reminded that He is just in all His judgments and wrath. I am also reminded that He is loving towards all of His creation. Knowing these truths, how can I lose hope waiting for S.? How can I be sad and worry? He will work all things for our good... and at the perfect time. How great the celebration will be, at that perfect time. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Latest Photo of My Sweetie

He's growing!

Please, Lord, bring my mommy soon!

This is the first time that looking at S.'s photos have made me sad. Waiting is so hard... but I know that he'll be home in the Lord's perfect timing--- not my own. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Grandma has been found!

Children's House let me know today that they have successfully located S.'s grandmother; now all we need to do is wait to find out if the US Embassy interview date still holds. I pray that the US Embassy will grant her permission to conduct a phone or video interview so that she will not have to miss several days of work. Yet again, this is totally out of our control. But... thanks be to God--- HE is in control of everything! Just praying for His perfect will to be done in this circumstance. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

And That's Why People Tell You, "Adopt is Not for the Weak at Heart"

Another delay. S.'s grandmother did not show up for her scheduled US Embassy interview. The agency staff has been unable to locate her; she is not living in the same place she did during the initial court appearance. So, the US Embassy has rescheduled her appearance for April 23, 2012. The Embassy has asked CHI to make sure they have located her one week prior to the interview; if she is not "found" one week prior to the 23rd, that interview will be cancelled, as well.

I have heard of several other cases like this, so it's not totally unusual. Birth families are sometimes many days travel from the US Embassy. And since many of them must work daily to survive, families leave for these interviews to travel to Addis at the last possible moment. I have also heard that if these families are even slightly late for their appointment times, the US Embassy refuses to interview them and reschedules their time several weeks from the original date. We might think that this is appropriate; after all, we operate by a punctual court system. Unfortunately, Ethiopians do not live my this same tyranny of the urgent. They do not live by the clock like we would in the US. And, of course, they don't even use the same calendar system as the US... so the whole issue of specific dates and times for interviews may be lost on many of these dear people. Additionally, these people can not take time off work very easily; if they do leave their positions, many lose their jobs or at least lose their pay for the time they are gone. This is not like one of us in the United States taking time off work. We can survive losing a day or two without pay. But for an Ethiopian--- already living day-to-day-- this travel presents a serious, costly hardship.

So, we wait. Again. I'm just counting on the Lord to strengthen me and refine me as we wait. The wait is always for a reason. Adoption most certainly is not for the weak at heart. You think I'd be used to it by now.