Verse of the Day

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Small Detail...

S. is in Addis Ababa, and is somewhere between 4 and 6... we think.

Yes, We're Adopting... Again!

Well, the cat's out of the bag now! Truth is: yes, we are adopting... again! And yes, it is a "God thing" again.

It is no news to many of you that the latest adoption wasn't exactly the easiest of experiences. Sure, the kids are doing really well now, but the first 18 months were rather difficult. For us to even contemplate adding another child to the brood was not an impulsive decision. Rather, it was a decision based on the realization that we really aren't too capable--- but He is. We totally understand that it's only through our dependence on the Holy Spirit that we garner enough strength and wisdom to raise 7 (going on 8) kids. It's like jumping off the side of a cliff, trusting that Someone will catch you. Guess we finally do understand that this life is meant to be walked in faith, and not by sight.

We started the update for our home study a full year ago, when we lived in West Phoenix. Then, I just asked my husband if he "wouldn't mind" simply becoming re-certified to adopt, since it is much easier to become re-certified than it is to completely start the process all over from scratch. I wanted to adopt another little girl, but Glen wasn't so sure. As a matter of fact, he said "Absolutely NOT, are you insane?" But after some time and copious prayer, Glen agreed to at least update our paperwork... but wondering all the while where in the world we were going to come up with the magic money to pay for another adoption--- and feel equipped to support another child. Yet, we moved forward, both of us sensing it was the right thing to do. We knew by this time that if God wants you to do something, He will certainly give you the necessary finances and strength to accomplish the task.

We finished our paperwork (with the exception of fingerprints), and told our agency that we wanted to adopt another little girl. We looked at adoption programs from Bulgarian and from Ethiopia. But nothing happened. Months went by. No little girl. The paperwork sat for months. I supposed it wasn't the Lord's timing for adding to our family. Or, were we done? Was this just a test of willingness? Then it dawned on me, as I'm listening to my girls yell and scream at each other: perhaps we were not looking in the right place. Perhaps it was not a little girl, but rather a little boy waiting for us.

Then I saw his little face... the day we said to our agency that we would be open to a boy. Yes. He's the one we were to pursue! Glen and I both agreed to try and make Mr. S. part of our family.

Then the next day, to our great surprise, my husband was offered a fantastic job. We pulled up our stakes in our comfortable, quiet community and moved to busy, materialistic area. My husband and I both felt this new position was sent from the Lord; my husband was not looking for other employment, and was literally made an offer over the phone! God was providing, and He did so immediately!

Upon moving, we had to update our home study again. Thankfully, our social worker is very accommodating and worked quickly to get us paper-ready. And then we quickly needed some fingerprints. As many of you know, this process alone can take multiple weeks, even months to complete. But not this time. Once we got our fingerprints done, we received them THE NEXT DAY!

We officially accepted the referral of S. at the end of August 2011. We submitted our dossier to Ethiopia just as they closed their doors for rainy season.

Just yesterday, we received notice that we already have a court date! December 1, 2011! We were absolutely shocked at the speed at which everything progressed. When God moves, there is no stopping Him!

So now we're busy checking airfares, buying bunk beds, and desperately trying to calm our brains and excited children down. Life comes at you fast sometimes... but we know it's all good.